Čestitke povodom izbora upravnih tijela HKLD-a

U subotu 4. ožujka 2023. godine održana je Izborna skupština Hrvatskoga katoličkoga liječničkog društva na kojoj su izabrani dužnosnici koji će do 2027. voditi Društvo. Za predsjednika HKLD-a po drugi put izabran je izv. prof. dr. sc. Rok Čivljak, dr. med. (Zagreb), a za prvog dopredsjednika, također po drugi put, izabran je prof. dr. sc. Ivica Grković, dr. med. (Split)

Izdvajamo neke od čestitki koje su novoizabranim dužnosnicima HKLD-a uputili kolege iz Hrvatske i svijeta…

  • Veoma poštovani i dragi gospodine predsjedniče, od srca Vam hvala na toplim riječima zahvale i iskrenim čestitkama. Mišljenja sam da duboku zahvalnost i najiskrenije čestitke dugujemo Vama i Vašim najbližim suradnicima, za sve što se dobro dogodilo u našem HKLD-u u zadnje vrijeme. Siguran sam da je naše Društvo autentičnije i bolje nego što je bilo. Još jedanput najiskrenija hvala. Slobodan sam moliti dragog Boga da Vas na tom putu čuva, brani i vodi zajedno s Vašim suradnicima, a ja se obvezujem da ću uz Božju pomoć učiniti sve što mogu za boljitak HKLD-a. Budite ljubazni primiti iskreni pozdrav u Kristu,

Mirko Petrošević, predsjednik Podružnice Đakovo

  • Poštovani prof. Rok Čivljak, još jednom čestitka i dobre želje prigodom Vašeg ponovnog izbora za Predsjednika HKLD-a. Isto tako čestitke i svim ostalim novoizabranim dužnosnicima našega Društva. S nadom za daljnji uspješan rad i zajedničku suradnju te molitvom za napredak našega Društva lijep pozdrav svima.

Pozdrav u Kristu,
Prim. dr. Oto Kraml, predsjednik Podružnice Pakrac-Lipik-Daruvar

  • Dear Rok, congratulations! I am attached to your association because my first visit as newly elected president of the FEAMC was in Zagreb in October 2016. I am very happy with the progress made, with the trust still placed in you as President, with the great collaboration with the FEAMC. You are an extraordinary travel companion! God bless you and all friends of the Catholic Medical Association of dear Croatia. See you in Tirana in April to resume the synodal journey as doctors faithful to the Gospel, to the Magisterium of the Church and the Pope, opening the doors of the heart to dialogue with doctors of other religions, remembering our common Father.

Con grande affetto e stima,
Prof. Vincenzo Defilippis, President of the FEAMC

  • Dear professor Civljak, dear Rok, on behalf of the FIAMC and on my own behalf, warmest congratulations to you and to the newly elected members of the committees of the Croatian Catholic Medical Association! Fruitful work! With all my friendship, in Christ,

Prof. Bernard Ars, President of the FIAMC

  • May blessed Mother guide you in your daily work for the patients and the ones in need. Kind regards from me and the Swiss colleagues,

Niklaus Waldis, FIAMC Treasurer

  • Dear friend, Croatia is well served, with you at the command of the CMA. Praised be God. In Christ,

Prof. dr. José Diogo Ferreira Martins, FIAMC Secretary General

  • Dear Rok, my warmest congratulations to you and the other elected members on behalf of FEAMC and on behalf of the Dutch Association. Thanks for the cooperation the last few years: we have confidence that we can cooperate the next few years in a similar way! May God bless your work and the other members of your association in Croatia!

Frans van Ittersum, FEAMC Secretary General

  • Dear prof. Čivljak, dear Rok, warmest congratulations to you, to all newly (re)elected officers – members of the boards of the Croatian Catholic Medical Association! May our Lord bless all your work and activities for the good of medicine and health care in Croatia, for the positive developments of your Association and its Branches, and for the good of all the Association’s members and of their beloved! With all good wishes and friendly regards,

Jozef Glasa and Helena Glasova
for the Slovak Catholic Physicians and Health Care Professionals

  • Congratulations Rok! The members obviously have a great deal of confidence in your leadership!

Thomas W. McGovern, M.D., Catholic Medical Association (CMA), Director

  • Dear Professor Čivljak, dear Rok, congratulations from the Polish Society of Catholic Physicians to you, newly elected Vice Presidents and members of the committees of the Croatian Catholic Medical Association! Best wishes in successfully promoting Christian principles in healthcare under protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Greetings and congratulations from MaterCare International! God bless

Bogdan Chazan, MCI

  • Congratulations and good luck! I am looking forward to further cooperation.

Jan Čáp, Czech Republik

  • Dragi Rok, čestitam od sveg srca, radosna sam i sretna! Neka Ti je uspješan i blagoslovljen mandat, čuvao te dragi Bog i sv. Luke zagovor. Sretno!

Slavica Janković, predsjednica HKDMST

  • Čestitke od srca naš obnovljeni predsjedniče! Neka Vas naš dobri Otac blagoslovi i vodi!

Dr. Ivan Školka, tajnik Podružnice HKLD u Osijeku

  • Čestitam Vam na novom mandatu predsjednika HKLD-a. Neka Gospodin blagoslovi i vodi rad Društva koje vodite.

Doc. dr. Krunoslav Novak, generalni tajnik HBK

  • Poštovani predsjedniče, primite moje iskrene čestitke za reimenovanje, sve najbolje uz Božju pomoć!

Ana Dukić, mag. pharm., Podružnica Split

  • Doktore, čestitam Vam na novom mandatu! Puno uspjeha i nadalje!

Doc. dr. sc. Tanja Baran, predsjednica Udruge „Dr. Stjepan Kranjčić“






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